First, Understand Who Has The Problem

A person with a problem is motivated to do something about it. Yet strangely we often take people’s problems from them and give them to people who are not motivated. Example — Warehouse Gridlock! It was 8:00 am on the first day of my monthly consulting visit to this...

Why Employees Do What They Do

  Employees’ imaginations inspires their actions. When employees feel positive they will act positively. Leaders can create this positive situation by behaving with a clear set of desirable values such as honesty, care, trust, respect and empathy....

To Understand Behavior, Look At the Situation — The Culture

  A person’s behavior is information about the person’s situation. Culture is the situation. To understand culture, look at what people do. To understand behavior, look at the culture. When something goes wrong: Don’t focus on the person as if...

Splitting Thoughts and Actions Cuts Profits

  For many employees, what goes on in their head is not what they show through their words and actions. This split between thought and behavior is stressful and unproductive, a waste of company resources — bad for people and bad for business. One of the many...